These facts are what made me believe mermaids are real. They may have their own world, yet we have to acknowledge their presence and respect their rights; one is the right to live on their own. There has not been any stories about human beings being attacked by mermaids. The stories we hear are only sightings and encounters with their kind, but none specify that these creatures are harmful. Therefore it is only proper that we must not hurt them or use them for our own selfish interests.
This Amlan mermaid after being caught was said to be brought to a prominent university in Dumaguete City. After that the news about the mermaid died as if nothing happened. One television network news team who tried to cover it was being denied to see the said mermaid. Instead the network was being offered to only get a photo shoot of the trap which caught the mermaid. As a result, the news only said that what they caught was only a "dugong" or a sea cow.
Yet, do sea cows had this kind of face? And this kind of body? Look at the eyes that has a similarity of a fish own eyes; the scales, the spine, the mouth, the teeth. I need not say more, for I too, is very much overwhelmed

What I feel now is only sympathy for this helpless creature. It is not known whether it is a male or a female. Some versions of the story said that this fellow was looking for his/her two children who were caught a few days earlier. I really never know what is true, for I only heard these stories being spread from mouth to mouth and not from direct witnesses.
Also, I come to realize that what were told of mermaids were not all true. For in the movie like "The Little Mermaid," the mermaid there had a face of a human. But in these photos we see a face that is combined both of a human and a fish; and a body that is both a combination of a human and a fish.
Whatever is this, I believe this is a mermaid. I believe this kind exist. And I believe that this creature too is as important as any of God's beloved creation.
these photo are of know fakes made by the same person who sold them on e-bay. He has made many of these fakes and sold them there. If you question this please search for mermaid photos on www.abovetopsecret.com. these and other fakes by the same artist have been dicussed many times. Please don't view this as just a skeptic mouthing off because I DO believe in mermaids. Just not these fakes.